Prayer is the foundation upon which we truly become a community when we join our hearts together in daily prayer. 

"Have no anxiety about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.”  Philippians 4:6  

Send your intentions anonymously to the Prayer Chain. We will offer intercession on your behalf.

Your prayer request will be passed on to members of the Prayer Chain exactly as you send it.  Prayer requests are kept confidential, but please leave out any information that should not be shared.  You may be as specific as you like, as long as you do not disclose someone’s name or private information without their permission, and you keep the request short and concise.  You can always use just first names or even no names.  For example:  “Please pray for John’s upcoming job interview“;  “A neighbor of Jane Doe needs prayer for a medical issue“;  “A parishioner (or friend of a parishioner) needs prayer for their marriage“;  “Cathy’s granddaughter Lisa needs prayer for help with her grades“.

 The Epiphany Parish Prayer Chain’s mission is to petition our Lord on behalf of others in need of prayer.  Please feel free to contact us when you or those you love need prayer.