Epiphany Donor Recognition Wall

hallway from Narthex to Parish Hall

Spanning over fifteen years, three capital campaigns, and countless hours, the efforts to update and renovate the parish and school campus are coming to a close. To formally recognize the generous contributions of the donors to the capital campaigns, a donor recognition wall will be permanently displayed in the hallway between the Narthex and Church Hall.

To ensure your information is listed correctly, a prototype of the display will be set up in the Narthex during May. The names are presented as shown on your contribution envelope or e-giving donation. Please take a moment to review. If you would prefer to have your name(s) listed differently, not listed at all, or feel your name is missing, please get in touch with the church office at (309-452-2585 Ext 200) or office@epiphanyparish.com. 

Please note that only names will be listed, not total giving.

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